
Mods-OGM Hockey Club

J11/12 Boys and Girls Lazer Blazes

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Friday the 19th August is a general bye and therefore we have booked out the Willetton Lazer Blaze for a  J11/12 Girls and Boys social.  

Costs are TBC until numbers are confirmed, but expected to be $30 per head.  Once we have numbers confirmed we will send out details on how to pay.

RSVP:  Can you please RSVP early.  We will base the costs upon those numbers who have registered by Friday 12th August. 

Address:  Shop 73, Southlands Shopping Centre, Burrendah Blvde, Willetton

Arrival Time is 6:20.   All players MUST be wearing sneakers/runners, no other footwear is acceptable.

First game is 6:40

Second game is 7:00

We have two tables, and a reserved space.  Please let us know of any dietary needs as we will provide food and drink.  

Pick up time 8:00 PM 

Siblings:  This is a social event is for the 11/12 Boys and Girls.  To obtain suitable numbers it is anticipated that J9/10s, who have played up in the 11/12s, will be invited to attend.  If other siblings are required to attend, we please ask that you consider the interest of the J11/12s.   

Rules and code of conduct:  This is a social event being arranged by members of the J11/12 cohort and participants attend under their own direction.  The club is not directly supervising the event but we highlight that each participants behaviour will be a reflection on the club.  Any attendee who is not reflecting the Clubs code of conduct will be asked to picked up by their parents as soon as possible.   

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